
  • Top 5 Twisted, Yet Fun Games of All Time

    I have been a video gamer since growing up as a kid (back in the 1980’s), with my first game system being the classic NES, and I have played many different games since then.

    Of course, I have also played plenty of twisted games too and some of them are surprisingly fun, humorous, and sometimes even popular, and in this article, I will talk about at least 5 of them. Biocelebslife Ever wondered what it might be like living the life as a thug and getting involved in organized crime (such as gangs) without actually becoming a criminal. In the Grand Theft Auto series (with the latest installment being The Ballad of Gay Tony), you do just that. The GTA universe is a popular roleplaying game, usually based in New York City (also known as Liberty City, though some games feature other cities such as Miami in Vice City and Los Angeles in San Andreas) where you usually control a thug (such as Nikko in GTA 4) and do missions for various crime bosses throughout the city. Bioquestt

    Some quests involves petty crimes such as stealing a prized car that a certain crime boss wants, while other missions may have you assassinate people that have crossed the criminal organization you are a part of, such as delinquents. In GTA San Andreas, for example, Carl Johnson joins the Grove Street gang and gets involved in a gang war with rival gangs, such as the Ballast (though he also works for crime bosses such as El Salvador, Doctor Rosenberg, as well as a corrupt government agent named, Mike Torreon to name a few). Biopulses

    Many of the newer games also have plenty of side missions you can do, such as spraying graffiti on select buildings in San Andreas, take on multiple girlfriends (CJ for example, can have up to 6 girlfriends), as well as doing smuggling missions (such as hauling freight from the badlands to Las Ventura’s while dodging police officers in San Andreas). Of course, on the side if you rather just play for fun, you could always go on rampages in the game, where you can steal cars, get a little trigger happy, obtain wanted stars and drive the local police crazy, drive like a maniac around the city, as well as trying to get your guy killed. Bioprospers

    Cops will simply bust you, take your weapons and some of your money as a bridge, and simply release you for even the most heinous offenses (such as going on rampages). And when you get released, you can do more crimes as well, with the same results. Imagine doing that stuff in real life. You would probably go to jail for a very long time (or worse depending on the offense) for similar crimes committed in real life. Biocelebhub

  • Different Types of Card Games

    There are limitless types of card games to be played. People think because two games use the same deck of 52-cards that they are similar games, but nothing could be more different than Barb and Speed, or Paige and Pinochle. Here’s a list of twenty different kinds of card games, and some facts about them. 031235502 Bridge is a popular contract bidding game. Bridge has a culture — there are websites, newspaper columns, and even radio shows devoted to bridge strategy. 031235513

    There is a world-wide obsession with bridge, even though it has been called the hardest card game in the world. With a complicated strategy and steep learning curve, too many bridge is not just a game, it is a lifestyle. I wish I were exaggerating. 031235505

    Whist could be called “Bridge, Jar” — and though it is not as big a game as it once was, and is dwarfed in popularity by big-brother Bridge, Whist has never really died out. Card gamers love trick-taking games — beating out your opponent in such a visual way is one of the more exciting part of any card game. 031235524 Whist has some of the complexity of Bridge without any bidding. Texas Holder is something of a legend — a poker variation with a story as rich as a Spaghetti western. This version of poker, a drawing and betting game. 031235529

    Was invented and then made popular by old time poker sharks in Texas, hence the name. This is easily the most popular poker variant right now, and is bringing more new people to card gaming than any other game. 031235543

    It is said that most of the professional poker tour players are hardcore Hearts players and that they bet big money on cutthroat games of Hearts in dark mysterious rooms during tournaments. 031235551 Romantic as that may sound, it would make sense for these card sharks to love the game of Hearts – an otherwise childlike game of matching cards (and no bidding) usually turns into a competitive nightmare. 031235557

    People don’t realize it, but spades is a variation of bridge that simplifies the game even more than Whist and changes the outcome of the game as well. Spades is really popular in large groups, on college campuses, and in tournaments around the world. 031235586

    There may be as many variations of Spades as there are groups playing it — thanks to “jailhouse rules” which penalize tactics like point sandbagging and the existence of multiple versions of “house rules”. A strategic game you can play without paying much attention if you want. This is the simple children’s card matching game we all remember from our childhood. You can play Go-fish with as many players as you have cards. 031235635

    Some people claim Go-Fish is a variation of Rummy but the simplicity of the game and the children’s game gimmick make it likely just some toy company’s creation. Strangely enough, Go-fish is known as Literature in some parts of the world. 031235640

  • Introduction to Designing Open Source Games

    Google has offered the open source tools and the education but it is up to you to learn and develop your own apps for smart phones to prove how competent you are at developing and designing open source games and to what value you will be able to offer in future developments online Google I imagine are a great company to work for and as big as they are with the smart phones they realize they do not have the time or resources to single handily develop new gaming software nor for that matter have the time to exactly mirror working documents for the hand-held phones, it’s just not plausible. Gauge

    However, they have reportedly come to some agreement with certain apps available for the Android; I suppose to challenge the growing presence of Apple’s power. So, with that in mind let’s get into the details of online gaming design. Newsbuzzer

    Those already experienced in the language of C++ can use Java, and Java is gaming industry standard, Java is also known for its Flash integration, audio software, texts and cloud based open source development. This is usually done in Linux rather than UNIX and the imagery in these new media tools can be surprisingly refreshing. This has reduced the amount of work needed to learn these skills. Before you design the game there are a few things you need to understand when designing games for the phone. Chipotle

     Like an I-Pad and other touch screen devices the Teflon screen creates a motion and by controlling your game from the screen can alter the response time of your game, these have been my main concerns about games for the Android – they are clunky and the controls unless scroll button enabled are very annoying. kyiv24 Similarly the tilt sensor in the phone is very advanced. Learning how to program a game like this is well beyond the scope of this introductory post. Oprirode

    All you need to know with these problems or if you wish to learn more about these high end problems of designing games for the Android phone are GLSurfaceView ATITC compression, VBO’s and there buffers (which are responsible and great for giving feedback when a game crashes because you can trackback the results of the crash. Vidgyku

     when you report it to Google. Some interesting terminology which will boost your understanding and help you educate yourself about games designing for Android phones are listed in this short glo2D side-scrolled – Parallax layers, tile-based worlds, animated sprites the right hardware buttons: input systems.Ikeojin999

  • Incentives to Discourage Pre-Owned Gaming

    Do you buy your games second-hand? Then you are a complete cheapskate and the scum of the gaming industry. You’re worse than any pirate sailing the high seas of wares. Or at least, that’s what publishers want us to think. Whether you have the right to sell the products you have purchased is irrelevant: the sale of used games is damaging the games industry. Wannataxi

    When a new game is traded in or sold to a game store, that money is then kept by the retailer rather than reaching the hands of the hardworking developer, who spent blood, sweat and tears on creating their pride and joy. The same game could be bought and sold numerous times and it can be argued that those purchases are a potential sale which has been stolen from the game companies themselves. It is true that you don’t hear the music or film industry complaining about their second-hand losses, but does creating an album or a movie compare to the amount of money and effort spent on developing a Triple-A game title? As always, it is the consumer that decides whether a game is worth its $50 price tag, and often they decide to go with a pre-owned price instead. Wayofthedogg

    Game companies already utilize a number of methods to gain extra cash after the release of their games in the form of downloadable content (DLC) and there are now incentives to buying new. Pre-order bonuses seem to be popular right now with many games including codes for additional DLC or specific in-game bonuses. We’ll be taking a look at some of the rubbish incentives offered by publishers to encourage new purchases and what alternatives would be more welcome. Thenewargument

    Exclusive DLC & Pre-Order Bonuses: Gamers aren’t new to the idea of receiving bonuses within collector’s editions and the like, but more recently we’ve been seeing a lot of extra freebies within new games or as part of pre-ordering a title. Most of this is in-game DLC, such as new weapons and armor, new maps or various other cosmetic additions which don’t actually add that much to the game. Before you design the game there are a few things you need to understand when designing games for the phone. Penginapansekitar

    Like an I-Pad and other touch screen devices the Teflon screen creates a motion and by controlling your game from the screen can alter the response time of your game, these have been my main concerns about games for the Android – they are clunky and the controls unless scroll button enabled are very annoying. And great for giving feedback when a game crashes because you can trackback the results of the crash when you report it to Google. Some interesting terminology which will boost your understanding and help you educate yourself about games designing for Android phones are listed in this short glo2D side-scrolled – Parallax layers, tile-based worlds, animated sprites the right hardware buttons: input systems, OpenGL, ES Writing Java code for Android phones.

  • Guide to Building a Gaming Computer

    A Gaming Computer, also known as gaming PC, is a personal computer that is capable of playing computationally and graphically demanding video games. Footballdatabase They are very similar to conventional computers with the exception that these machines are fitted with performance-oriented video card and other specifications. This type of computers can be easily bought in the market but at a much higher price compared to the conventional computers. Wikifootball Since most of the gamers are both cost and performance conscious, most of them opting to build their own gaming computer than buying a built-in gaming computer? Valleynewsmag Building your own custom gaming computer simply means you buy all your computer components separately and piece them up together to guild your gaming PC. Soccerclubsranking With this method you can achieve a fast and cost-effective gaming computer suited to your own gaming needs. Besides saving a lot of money and having an efficient machine, building your own gaming computer can also be a lot of fun. Worldfootballmatch

    Perhaps the biggest challenge one can face when building their own gaming computer is choosing the right components for your needs. So without further ado, here is a simple guide in order to help you in building your own gaming computer. Eflchampionship The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is one of the most important core components in all computer systems. The CPU is a portion in the system that carries out the instructions of a computer program. Championsleaguefc In simple terms it could describe as the brains of the computer. The performance of your games and other applications will depend on this microprocessor. Footballcompetitions Choosing the best Central Processing Unit (CPU) for your gaming computer can be a hard decision to make. Picking the latest, fastest, or most expensive processor on the market won’t always result in the right CPU for your particular system. Wolrdchampionship

     Some processors are designed to work with a certain or specific motherboards, thus the CPU type limits the motherboard type you can use. For a gaming computer, you will really need a powerful CPU for it to performing superbly. Luckily these CPUs are supplied by Intel and AMD (Advanced Micro Devices) at an affordable price Intel has the Core i7 and Core i5 processor models. Livescorelucky Currently these models are the most popular ones used for gaming purposes, which are mostly recommended for gaming computers.AMD, on the other hand, has the Athlon and Phenol series. Watchlivescorenew

    The motherboard is the hub of the computer system. It is where all other components are connected to. If we consider the CPU as the brain of the computer system, then the motherboard is the central nervous system. Thus buying the best motherboard is a good investment. Prolixlubricant

  • The War on Used Games

    As we prepare for the coming wave of next generation systems, we should be anticipating improvements on all the good things we associate with the current crop of systems. Datagedrevengroei Moving forward we expect: better graphics, faster processors, more engaging games, you get the idea. But not everything that we’re anticipating will be a progressive movement for gaming. Biotrending

    At least, as far as Sony and Microsoft are concerned, you can wave goodbye to playing used games on their systems. Although these are just rumors at this point, it wouldn’t be surprising if they came to fruition. Edinstudio It’s very plausible, especially when taking into consideration that several game publishers have already fired shots at the used game market.

    Most notable is Electronic Arts (EA), who became the first publisher to institute the practice of charging gamers, who bought used games, a fee to access codes that come with the game. To elaborate, Downloadable Content (DLC) codes are included with new copies of a particular game and only with those codes, can that content be accessed. Flixywire

    EA expanded its project to include playing used games online. Gamers would now have to pay $10, in addition to the cost of the used game that they purchased, in order to have access to the online components of their game. ISOFT has since followed suit, requiring an online pass for its games as well. Newslity You can identify the games which require an online pass as they bare the, “unplay Passport”, logo on the box.

    ISOFT decided they’d take things a step further and implement Digital Rights Management, a practice more often associated with DVD or CD anti-piracy efforts. Assassins Creed 2 was the first game to be effected by this practice. Boomboommag

     In order to play the PC version of Assassins Creed 2, gamers are required to create an account with ISOFT and remain logged into that account in order to play the game. This means that if you lose your internet connection, the game will automatically pause and try to reestablish the connection. Worldtravelmagazines However, if you’re unfortunate enough to be unable to reconnect to the internet you’ll have to continue from your last saved game; losing any progress you may have made since then.This will be the case for all of ISOFT’s PC titles, regardless of one playing single-player or multi-player. Magazinemango

     While Digital Rights Management has been used to combat DVD and CD piracy for quite some time now, this will mark the first time it’s been used for a video game. Markettrendsblog

     In light of ISOFT’s implementation of DRM, Matthew Humphries of, cautions that it’s feasible that eventually even console games will require online registration in order to play them